Catalog Search Results
1) El regreso
"Trevor Benson no tuvo intenciones de volver a New Bern, Carolina del Norte. Pero una terrible explosión a las fueras del hospital en el que trabajaba como cirujano, le obliga a volver a casa desde Afganistán con graves heridas. La destartalada cabaña que había heredado de su abuelo parece el lugar ideal para recuperarse. Trevor, que cuida las amadas colmenas de abejas de su abuelo, no está preparado para enamorarse de alguien del pueblo. Sin...
2) La cúpula
"One sunny autumn morning, in the small town of Chester's Mill, Claudette Sanders enjoys her flying lesson, and Dale Barbara hitchhikes just outside of town. None of them will reach their destination. Out of nowhere, an invisible barrier descend son the city like a crystalline and unbreakable bubble. While coming down, it cuts a groundhog in half and amputates a gardener's hand. The plain Claudette was flying crashes into the dome and plummets to...
The teenage son of an U.S. MIA in Afghanistan hires Sean King and Michelle Maxwell--former Secret Service agents turned private investigators--to solve the mystery surrounding his father. But their investigation quickly leads to deeper, more troubling questions. Could Tyler's father really still be alive? What was his true mission? Could Tyler be the next target?
"William Gibson regresa con su primera novela desde Zero History, el éxito de ventas del New York Times de 2010. Donde viven Flynne y su hermano, Burton, los trabajos fuera del negocio de las drogas son escasos. Afortunadamente, Burton tiene sus beneficios de veterano, por el daño neuronal que sufrió debido a los implantes durante su tiempo en la fuerza de élite Haptic Recon del USMC. Entonces, una noche, Burton tiene que salir, pero hay un trabajo...
"Un bello matrimonio se convierte en algo bellamente maligno"--Page 4 of cover.
"Maddie and Ian's love story began with a chance encounter at a party overseas; he was serving in the British army and she was a travel writer visiting her best friend, Jo. Now almost two decades later, married with a beautiful son, Charlie, they are living the perfect suburban life in Middle America. But when a camping accident leaves Maddie badly scarred, she begins...
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