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1) Displacement
Accelerated Reader
IL: UG - BL: 4.7 - AR Pts: 2
"Kiku is on vacation in San Francisco when suddenly she finds herself displaced to the 1940s Japanese-American internment camp that her late grandmother, Ernestina, was forcibly relocated to during World War II. These displacements keep occurring until Kiku finds herself stuck back in time. Living alongside her young grandmother and other Japanese-American citizens in internment camps, Kiku gets the education she never received in history class. She...
Accelerated Reader
IL: MG+ - BL: 4.6 - AR Pts: 2
A stunning graphic memoir recounting actor/author/activist George Takei's childhood imprisoned within American concentration camps during World War II. Experience the forces that shaped an American icon -- and America itself -- in this gripping tale of courage, country, loyalty, and love. George Takei has captured hearts and minds worldwide with his captivating stage presence and outspoken commitment to equal rights. But long before he braved new...
Accelerated Reader
IL: UG - BL: 4.5 - AR Pts: 2
"George Takei ha capturado corazones y mentes en todo el mundo con su cautivadora presencia en el escena y su compromiso incondicional con la igualdad de derechos. Pero, mucho antes de alcanzar nuevas fronteras en Star Trek, se despertó de niño, a los cuatro años, para encontrar a su país natal en guerra con el de su padre... y a su familia entera forzada a abandonar su hogar, rumbo a un futuro incierto. En 1942, bajo órdenes del presidente Franklin...
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