Catalog Search Results

Learn a new language with your library card!
Join the growing number of bilinguals in the White Plains community who use Mango Languages through the library to learn over 70 world languages — for free!
Click the image to log in.
Following the enormous success of 2004 bestseller and critics' favorite Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, Susanna Clarke delivers a delicious collection of ten stories set in the same fairy-crossed world of 19th-century England. With Clarke's characteristic historical detail and diction, these dark, enchanting tales unfold in a slightly distorted version of our own world, where people are bedeviled by mischievous interventions from the fairies.
...3) Titus Groan
In ILL (Inter-Library Loan) Services
Didn't find what you needed? Items not owned by the member libraries of the Westchester Library System can be requested via Inter-library Loan from other libraries to be delivered to your local library for pickup.